Prof. Dr. Christian Münch

Christian Münch is endowed Lichtenberg-Professor of Molecular Systems Medicine and Director of the Institute of Molecular Systems Medicine as well as Director of the Center for Functional Proteomics at Goethe University Frankfurt. His main research interests focus on cellular stress responses to mitochondrial protein misfolding, infection and disease. Besides biochemical and molecular biology methods, his laboratory applies and develops proteomics methods to measure cellular dynamics after stress on a systems biology level. One major goal is to combine molecular with global information to gain a cell-wide understanding of cellular changes upon stress.

He studied Biochemistry at the University of Tübingen and the Max Planck Institutes in Martinsried and Tübingen (Germany). He obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge (UK), working on protein aggregation and prion-like processes in neurodegenerative diseases with Anne Bertolotti at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology. For his postdoctoral work, Christian joined Wade Harper’s laboratory at Harvard Medical School to study cellular protein quality control and the mitochondrial unfolded protein response. From 2016-2024, Christian was an independent group leader and since 2023 endowed Lichtenberg-Professor at the Institute of Biochemistry 2.

For his work, Christian received two ERC Grants, an Emmy Noether Grant and won a number of prizes, the British Neuroscience Association Postgraduate Award (2011), Johanna Quandt Young Academy Science Funding Award (2018), the Aventis Foundation Bridge Award (2019), the Binder Innovation Prize of the German Society for Cell Biology (DGZ, 2020), and the Otto Meyerhof Award of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM, 2021). Christian is an EMBO Young Investigator. He serves in the steering committees of the BMBF Cluster4Future Proxidrugs, Collaborative Research Center 1177 Selective Autophagy, Fraunhofer Leistungszentrum TheraNova, the Excellence Cluster Initiative EMTHERA, the IMPRS Graduate School on Cellular Biophysics, and in the editorial board of the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry and the Selection Committee for Humboldt Research Fellowships.

Prof. Dr. Christian Münch
Institute of Molecular Systems Medicine
University Hospital Frankfurt
Goethe University
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7 / Building 75
60590 Frankfurt am Main