Welcome to the
Münch lab
We are a international, multidisciplinary team focusing on the molecular mechanisms of life. Applying a combination of systems biology, biochemistry and molecular biology, we examine how stress responses shape cellular behavior and pathology. Our team consists of biochemists, physicians, pharmacists, bioinformaticians and biologists. Based in the collaborative environment of Frankfurt we strive to discover the big picture of biology.
Our Research
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Our Funding
European Research Council
Emmy Noether-Programm der DFG
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Else Kröner Fresenius Stiftung
LOEWE Exzellenzinitative des Landes Hessen
SFB1177 - Autophagy
LOEWE Zentrum für Zell- und Gentherapie Frankfurt
Cardio Pulmonary Institute Frankfurt
ENABLE Frankfurt
Aventis Foundation
Johanna Quandt Young Academy
EMBO Young Investigator Programme
Fraunhofer Innovation Center