Dr. FX Reymond Sutandy

Dr. FX Reymond Sutandy Reymond was trained as a Biologist and obtained his Bachelor’s degree from Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia. He then moved to Taiwan to pursue his Master’s degree at the National Central University. Afterwards, he joined the laboratory of Julian König at the Institute of Molecular Biology (Mainz, Germany) to carry out his postgraduate work. During his PhD, Reymond developed a high-throughput technique to map trancriptome-wide binding sites of RNA binding protein called in vitro iCLIP. Using this technique, he studied the binding regulation of an important splicing factor, U2AF65. Reymond decided to expand his expertise in cell biology and joined Christian Münch’s laboratory in 2019 as a postdoctoral researcher to investigate the mammalian mitochondrial unfolded protein response, in particular its interconnection with apoptosis.
Dr. FX Reymond Sutandy
  • Protein Quality Control
  • +49 (0) 69 6301-6844