Dr. Alexandra Stolz

Alexandra Stolz studied Biochemistry in Regensburg, Germany followed by a PhD in yeast genetics and molecular biology in Stuttgart, Germany. After a postdoc (2012-2013) working on ER associated protein degradation (ERAD) – a proteasome dependent pathway, Alexandra joined the groups of Andreas Ernst and Ivan Dikic at IBC2 in Frankfurt, Germany (2013-2016) to work on autophagy. Besides contributing to the characterization of the first autophagy receptor for ER-phagy FAM134B and elaborating the role of the kinase TBK1 in mitophagy, she utilized phage display and protein engineering to develop fluorescent sensors for the central autophagy components LC3/GABARAPs. In January 2017, she joined Genentech in South San Francisco, USA as a visiting scientist where she studied the impact of oncogene-induced secretion during cancer pathogenesis. Since February 2018, Alexandra is heading the phenotypic screening platform at IBC2  and since January 2021 as well the ER quality control group located at the Buchman Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (BMLS) as an indipendent group leader. Alexandra is  associated with EUbOPEN, where her group aims to identify chemical inducers and inhibitors of selective autophagy pathways. 

Dr. Alexandra Stolz
Institute of Biochemistry II
University Hospital Frankfurt
Goethe University
Theodor-Stern-Kai 7 / Building 75
60590 Frankfurt am Main